My Story-I GET IT


I used to be considered morbidly obese, and I had no energy and no zeal for life. I was unhappy and self conscious about my appearance. My food addiction was binding me to a life I hated. I felt so helpless. I have to liken it to real drug addiction because even though you hate what it does to your life and the consequences you receive, you continue to make the same choices. 

The feeling of wanting a different you, but feeling like you have no control to change was one of total defeat. I knew I was not the person I saw in the mirror each day and so deeply desired to change. I tried fad diets and starving myself. I even, at one point, did not miss a day going to the gym for 6 months except for Sundays. Even though I had some success, it did not last. 

A few years ago God blessed me with a wonderful family, I then knew something had to give. I had even more to live for, and I was not going to cut their time with a husband and daddy short because I was overweight and killing myself from the inside out. It was time to change! I immersed myself in fitness and nutrition information, learning everything I could from wherever I could. As I finally found some success, my passion for health and fitness grew so big that it consumed my mind. I was changing not only from the outside, but the changes emotionally were astounding. The world looked completely different now. It was as if someone had cleaned the window I was looking through. Everything seemed so much brighter. The more I learned, the more I wanted to learn. I was finally becoming the person on the outside that I knew I was on the inside. Something magical was happening inside me. I began to believe and accomplish things I never thought possible.

My passion to train others began when I started to notice overweight people more than ever. I had a new perspective, and it saddened and burdened me wondering if all these people feel like I use to feel. I so badly wanted to reach inside of me and pull out the good feelings and give them a glimpse. I began looking into the faces of others that struggle with being overweight. I saw the old me and the self loathing as well as the "I don't care anymore mentality." I wanted to show people there is a different way and that you can be happy and healthy. I knew that God had placed within me the desire and ability to help others break free of the mindsets, habits, and negative thinking that obesity brings.

Now I get to regularly help people realize their potential. 

Meet Sharon Duncan

Since training with me she says: 

"Phillip has been so encouraging all through the time I've had him as my trainer. He keeps me motivated and gives me the support that I need to push myself to my fullest potential."

"I would highly recommend Phillip as well as the programs he uses to get you where you want to be, wherever you may be in your fitness or weight loss journey."


I would be excited to help you change your life as well.  There are a couple of ways to reach me below.  Take charge of your life and happiness!! 

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